Tuesday, December 14, 2010

To List or Not to List During the Holidays

Holiday time is friends and family time!
Holiday time is giving time and Holiday time is also eBay listing and selling time!

My Holiday time suggestions are:

  • If you have a house full of friends and family, put the eBay store on vacation settings or add a note to the listings and/or header something like: Happy Holidays from our Home to Yours! We will not be shipping from December 21st through December 26th.  However, feel free to continue to shop and keep in mind all items will ship out on Monday December 27th. Merry Christmas to all!

  • If you don't have a houseful and have time to list items on eBay then GO FOR IT! I am a firm believer that the shoppers are there on Christmas Day, New Years Day and all major holidays! Not everyone celebrates and I've actually had great sales on Christmas Day with less competition because most people THINK they should not have items end during this time and I feel it is one of the best times!  Once year I did $1,200.00 in eBook sales on Christmas Eve (that was back in the day when we could sell digital delivery. How I miss those days!) 
  • In all my years of experience with selling on eBay (13 years) as a "treasure hunt seller" I've made more money in January then in any other month. Now is the time to get those collectibles listed and run them as a buy it now with make an offer for 30 days.
The Holidays are yours! It is YOUR TIME TO SHINE!

Bottom line, however you decide to spend your time during the holidays, make the best of it. With family, friends or buying/selling on eBay. Either way enjoy what you do and APPRECIATE your holiday time!

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